four women doing yoga outside
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Outdoor Exercise to Relieve Pre-Wedding Stress

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Benefits of Exercise for Pre-Wedding Nerves

Every bride wants to look her very best before the big day. Regular exercise can help you prepare for the big day by toning up your body and keeping your mind calm. Planning a wedding can be stressful. Every bride wants everything perfect, down to the last detail. Brides need to find healthy ways to manage pre-wedding stress and exercise is the best stress manager around.

When to Start

Experts recommend starting your exercise plan early. Whether you want to exercise to slim down or just manage stress, consistency is the key. Find a program you like and stick to it. Wedding dresses usually show a lot of the shoulders and back, so make sure to do strength training in that specific area. For some, hiring a trainer is a great option to help keep you motivated and on track.

Another fun option is to get your bridesmaids in on healthy habits. You can work out with your bridesmaids and cheer each other on or compete with each other. A little competition can be motivating. Healthy exercises that experts recommend for all over toning are walking, biking, and yoga.


Walking is an excellent way to slim down and beat wedding stress. It’s a great full-body exercise that works all your muscles. Walking outdoors can help you get in shape and it also boosts your mood making you a happier bride to be. Some of the excellent benefits of walking are:

  • Improves muscle strength and endurance
  • Burns fat
  • Improves metabolism
  • Reduces stress
  • Creates better balance and stronger bones
  • Improves overall circulation

If you want to lose some weight before the wedding and want to amp up the benefit of walking, you can try adding weights to your daily walk. You can try ankle weights or a weighted vest to burn more calories and slim down in no time. Another tried and true way to manage weight with walking is to mix it up. Stop part of the way through your walk and do some squats, jumping jacks, or burpees. Interval training can help burn more calories. If you want the benefits of running but hate to run, try mixing short sprints into your walking routine.\


Biking is an excellent way to strengthen and tone your legs before the big day. If the weather is nice, get out and go for a relaxing bike ride. Or if you are the adventurous type, try biking on outdoor trails to get the blood pumping and calories burning. If you prefer to exercise inside, join a gym with exercise bikes. Or maybe try a spin class. Lots of gyms offer fun-themed spin classes. Get the bridesmaids together for a night of disco or neon spin class. Have fun and burn calories—an excellent way to get ahead of the prewedding day jitters.

Try biking to take advantage of these fantastic benefits like:

  • Better posture and coordination
  • Decrease level of body fat
  • Increased cardiovascular health
  • Lower anxiety levels


Yoga is the quintessential calming and relaxing exercise. It calms the mind and connects the body and soul. If you prefer a quiet, calmer workout, try yoga. If you want to do yoga but want more calorie-burning try hot yoga or Ashtanga yoga. Hot yoga is yoga in a room at anywhere between 80 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat helps loosen muscles and makes you sweat. It’s a great way to sweat out any impurities like excess alcohol from the bachelorette party.

Ashtanga yoga follows a set of yoga postures where you quickly move through the sequence. If you thought yoga was easy, you will learn that’s just isn’t true. This is a powerful style of yoga that can whip you into a wedding shape quickly.

If your future spouse wants to get in shape and relieve some stress, get them involved in couples yoga to deepen your connection. Couples yoga is a style of yoga where the couple works together to create yoga poses. Not only does couples yoga release stress but it can build trust and create more intimacy. Neither you nor your partner needs to be a yoga guru. There are a lot of beginner couples yoga poses you can try.

Benefits of yoga:

  • Increased strength and flexibility.
  • Increasing metabolism.
  • Weight reduction.
  • Increased endurance.
  • Helps prevent injury.

You can continue to get pre-wedding exercise at your venue. Pursell Farms has a beautiful wedding venue that offers excellent recreational options to keep you fit and reduce stress before the big day. Take advantage of the extensive walking trails, go biking on the bike paths, or check out yoga classes all right on-site at Pursell Farms. Pursell Farms want to help you be your best self and meet your pre-wedding exercise goals so you can have a magical outdoor wedding.

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November 26, 2021

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Erica Lambert

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