a groom smiling and hugging his bride
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Benefits of a Multi-Day Wedding Experience

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In some cultures, weddings aren’t a one-day affair. Rather, the bride and groom and all of their closest family and friends are invited to enjoy days and days of wedding festivities. This trend is starting to catch on here in the West, most likely due to the growing popularity of destination weddings.Certainly, there could be more to juggle from a wedding planning standpoint. However, the benefits of the multi-day wedding far outweigh any potential planning challenges. In this post, we look at the benefits of multi-day destination weddings in Alabama and how you can make one a part of your luxury wedding plans.

What Are the Benefits of Having a Multi-Day Wedding?

1. You Don’t Have to Book Multiple Venues for All Your Wedding Activities

Most traditional weddings have a list of common wedding activities.These include:

  • Separate parties for the bride and groom
  • The wedding rehearsal
  • The rehearsal dinner
  • The wedding
  • Post-wedding brunch
  • Etc.

Having all of these festivities at one location cuts down on travel requirements for your guests, particularly if you’re planning a southern destination wedding and your potential attendees don’t live in Alabama or even the South.Having everything in one place also reduces the amount of juggling you have to do to keep all of the venues straight. Weddings are already whirlwinds for most people.Not having to go from venue to venue for all of your celebrations and activities will reduce the amount of stress you feel and ensure that everyone is where they’re supposed to be when they’re supposed to be.

2. You Don’t Have to Force All of the Activities Into One Day

One-day weddings seem to be non-stop activity from sunup to sundown. It’s no wonder that the newly married feel so exhausted by the end of their wedding day.And it’s not just exhausting for them. It’s exhausting for all involved. Who could have guessed what work would follow a simple proposal and declaration of true love?But the frenzied pace comes along with the territory of the one-day wedding. Blame it on a lack of time. If you have to squeeze everything into one day, then it just stands to reason that pretty much every hour of that day will be booked to the gills.This points to one of the main benefits of having a multi-day wedding. There’s no need to stuff all the activities into one day. Wedding planning becomes easier because you don’t have to try to twist and turn your schedule to fit everything in.Instead, you can take a bit of a breather between the big events, have some tea with the bridal party or a round of golf with the groomsmen and unwind for a bit. And if you’re looking into southern destination weddings as a possibility, then you get to partake in all that southern hospitality, too.

3. Spend Extended Time With Family and Friends

The nature of modern life is such that we don’t often get to spend as much time with the people we love as we’d like. This is especially true if the people who are close to you live far away. It’s also likely that the pandemic prevented you from visiting people, which makes your desire to connect with them stronger.Multi-day weddings give you the opportunity to reconnect with people on a deep level. Certainly, you’ll bond over experiences, like excellent meals and live music.However, it’s also just as likely that you’ll have time to enjoy more one-on-one times with people, taking leisurely walks on the hiking trails or catching up over cookies and coffee in the morning on the porch of your home-away-from-home farmhouse.

4. You’ll Likely Save Money

According to Travel Pulse, the destination, multi-day wedding can actually be a money-saver for you because many venues offer discounts if you take advantage of the package deals they have.Venues that do a lot of weddings have relationships with key players, like:

  • The caterer (if they don’t do it in-house)
  • Local florists
  • Wedding photographers and videographers
  • Equipment rentals
  • Stay and play golf packages
  • Large blocks of rooms
  • Etc.

If you’re considering a multi-day destination wedding, it’s worth your time and money to ask the venue if it offers wedding packages and other deals for large groups.

5. Multi-Day Southern Destination Weddings are Group Vacations

If you love the thought of taking a vacation with your closest family members and all your besties, then multi-day weddings have a great deal to offer.While there’s something to be said for solo travel and exploring the world on your own, there’s also a definite advantage to vacationing with your nearest and dearest. It’s the stuff that great memories are made of.On a related note, for your family and friends who may be on a more restricted budget, this could be a great deal, because, as we mentioned previously, you might be able to book a wedding package and all the discounts that might go with it.

Final Thoughts on Creating Your Multi-Day Luxury Wedding

Creating a multi-day wedding experience offers you a way to combine all the fun of a family reunion with the wonder of a storybook romance. It’s also one big, happy vacation with your family and friends and possibly less expensive to boot. It’s a win-win all around!If you’d love to book a multi-day wedding event, but aren’t sure where to start, talk to us at Pursell Farms. We’d love to make your dream wedding a reality. Contact us today for a proposal.

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March 10, 2023

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